Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2023 - Opportunity for students to ideate, innovate and explore

The Ministry of Education's Innovation Cell (MIC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) have launched the Smart India Hackathon (SIH) - 2023 to invite feasible ideas and solutions for the pressing problems in various sectors. For more information, please visit the website In this regard, all the students enrolled at Government Degree College Pulwama who have innovative ideas for any of the problem statements listed on the website, and who also wish to work in collaborative teams, are encouraged to contact the college's Institution's Innovation Council no later than September 10, 2023. This will allow for the organization of an internal Hackathon to select teams for the national event. The deadline for nominating selected teams and submitting ideas is September 30, 2023. The amount of prize money to be awarded to each winning team is Rs. 100,000 per problem statement. For any queries, please feel free to contact Dr. Mohd Ashraf Khan, President IIC (Mobile – 9596361020), or Dr. Mohammad Aneesul Mehmood, Convener IIC (Mobile - 9906681697).
